很多英语为母语的人把 there、 their 和 they're读得很像,很难通过对方表情判断到底说的是那一个。英语中这种问题还有很多,而这些词实际上意思有很大差别。想要了解有什么差别?往下读。 ## 步骤 ### 1 there 指示一个地点。这个地点可以是具体的("over there by the building")或模糊的 ("it must be difficult to live there")。 ### 2 there 和BE动词 (is, am, are, was, were) 一起用,表示某物存在,或者第一次提起某物。 There is an antique store on Camden Avenue.(Camden大道上有个古董店) There are many documents that are used in investigations.(调查中要用到很多的文件) There is a picnic area over here, and a monster and a campground across the river.(那里有片野餐地,河对面还有个怪物和野营地。) "I see there are new flowers coming up in your garden." "Yes, they are the ones my grandmother gave me last year."(“我看到你花园里有新的花开了”,“是啊,那些花是去年奶奶给我的”) ### 3 their 表示所有格。这是一个所有格形容词,表示该物品属于them.(他们) My friends have lost their tickets.(我这些朋友把他们的票给弄丢了) Their things were strewn about the office haphazardly.(办公室里满地都是他们的东西,乱七八糟的。) ### 4 记住,they're 是简化的they和 are的合并词,不能用作修饰语,只能作为主语+动词的形式来用。 Hurry up! They're closing the mall at six tonight!(快点!他们今晚六点就关商场的门了!) I'm glad that they're so nice to new students here.(他们对新学生这么好,我可高兴了。) ### 5 试试这些用语。 看到这三个词中的一个时,总问问自己这些问题,不过要记得这些问题并不适合所有情况: 写there的话,如果换成here是否还成句?是的话就用对了。 写their的话,换成our是否能成句?是的话就用对了。 写they're的话,换成they are是否还成句?是的话就用对了。 ### 6 要学会辨别错误例子,从错误中汲取知识。 仔细看看别人是否写对,(特别是可以在帮别人审看编辑时来发现错误),你可训练自己对这些区别和用法的感觉敏锐度。 错误例子: Their is no one here. 错误例子: Shelley wants to know if there busy. 错误例子: The dogs are happily chewing on they're bones. 正确例子: I can't believe they're leaving their children there, alone!(我不敢相信,他们把孩子独自留在那了!) ### 7 多多练习!请你的英语老师,或找个朋友来大声说这三个用语的正确用句例子,并且听写他们用到的词,如果还有问题,就聘请一个私人英语教师吧。